1255 Bidwell st Vancouver V6G2K8
Mon - Sun : 9 AM - 7 PM

About Us

About ami

Meet me, Ami. She is happiest when travelling and when in the company of dogs (or doing a downward dog ;)). She has been a certified yoga instructor since 2018 and have been practicing yoga for 10+ years. She is a dedicated practitioner of yoga, meditation, and wellness, driven by a mission to create nurturing environments for healing. With a focus on movement, sound, breath, and meditation, she offers a holistic approach to well-being.

As both a teacher and student of yoga, Ami embraces all eight limbs of the practice, transcending the physical postures to delve into the deeper realms of spirituality and self-awareness.

A skilled sound ceremonialist, Ami incorporates chanting and sacred medicine songs alongside crystal singing bowls, Tibetan bowls, chimes, and various musical instruments. Through this harmonious fusion, she facilitates profound relaxation and activates the parasympathetic nervous system, guiding individuals into a state of deep healing and restoration.

Furthermore, as a Reiki Master, Ami specializes in energy healing techniques aimed at clearing blockages and revitalizing stagnant chi, prana, and life force energy flow. With her compassionate presence and expert touch, she assists in releasing tension and realigning with their natural state of balance and vitality. She aims to nourish her students with compassion, metta loving kindness and my positive energy.

You can reach her @nirvanami.yoga.wellness on IG/FB

Nirvana +  Ami

Nirvana Definition
According to Merriam-Webster, Nirvana means:
- The final beatitude that Transcends suffering, karma and Samsara especially in Buddhism through the extinction of desire and individual consciousness.
- A place or state of oblivion to care, pain or external reality.

Join me, Ami on my quest to attainment of Nirvana. According to Buddhist philosophy, Nirvana is the highest state of consciousness where one does not feel any suffering and is liberated from the desires of the materialistic world. I’m far from being liberated yet, but as I said I’m on a quest!

I have been drawn to this word since I was in high school and was a big fan of the band too. It wasn’t until recently I realized the true meaning of it and why it resonated with me so much. Although, I’m not ready to leave my materialistic, very Rajasic lifestyle but I do want to get one step closer to living a happy life full of content with tools that help me manage stress and the inevitable ups and downs of this roller coaster called Life.

And I’ve found the answer in yoga, meditation, breathwork and sound healing. And hence NirvanAmi was born so I may be able to teach and share my learnings on how to use yoga as a means for wellness for the mind, body and soul. My style of teaching focuses on all 8 limbs of yoga and not just the asanas/physical aspect of it. All bodies, ages are welcome and you do not have to be “fit” to join me. Yes, my practice is exactly like a bowl of Indian curry - explosion of different physical and well as energetic practices that have worked for me and hope to share it with you all!


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Developed by Suraj Nath



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Book a 1:1 or Group Yoga, Sound healing or Reiki session!
Next ceremonies, Retreats and Trainings: 
June 28 - July 1st: Yoga retreat in Salt Spring Island, Vancouver Island