1255 Bidwell st Vancouver V6G2K8
Mon - Sun : 9 AM - 7 PM


What is Yoga nidra?
Half an hour of Yoga Nidra is equivalent to four hours of sleep” (Swami Satyananda).
Yoga nidra, a Sanskrit term meaning “yogic sleep” is a deep relaxation technique and a form of meditation. Also called “psychic sleep,” yoga nidra is a state between sleeping and waking. The body is completely relaxed and the practitioner turns the awareness inward by listening to a set of instructions; much like a guided meditation. Performing yoga nidra involves practicing pratyahara (“withdrawal of the senses”), which is the fifth limb of yoga, pranayama (breathing techniques) and dharana (“concentration”), which are the fourth and sixth limbs of yoga.

Benefits of Yoga Nidra
– It also stimulates the hormones in the pineal gland, which releases melatonin — a horomone that reduces stress, boosts the immune system and helps prevent illness.
– Deep skeletal-muscular relaxation, removal of blockages and physical pain.
– Better mental performance.
– Balance of the nervous system and increase the production of endorphins, the hormones of happiness, and on the other hand lower levels of immunosuppressants, noradrenaline and cortisol.
– Stress relief, depression, anxiety, insomnia, headache, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, hypertension.
– Development and use of non-analytical mind for personal growth purposes.
– Increased learning capabilities, memory, intuition, creativity.

What is Guided meditation?
Guided meditation is a form of meditation where you listen and follow the voice of the teacher to guide you through various breathing exercises/affirmations. Meditation teaches us to watch what goes in our heads and correct ourselves every time our thoughts wander off to an old memory in the past or an untrue prediction of a future event. Notice these negative thoughts and bring your awareness back to the present, even if you have to do it 100 times a day. It’s like building muscle memory but for the brain!! Even 2-5 minutes of quietening the mind per day can do wonders to your overall well-being! Do it for 21 days in a row and you will feel the difference.

Some of the known benefits of meditation are:
– Help manage stress
– Increase self-awareness
– Help live in the present
– Reduce negative emotions
– Increase creativity and focus

What is Sound meditation/sound healing?
Sound meditation is one of my favourite ways to relax and unwind at the end of a long day. I incorporate crystal singing bowls, tibetan sound bowls, kalimba, chimes, ocean drum and other musical instruments in my yoga & meditation classes and also with reiki healing to enhance the relaxation experience and help you transcend into a higher state of bliss!

Some of the known benefits of the vibrations created by sound are:
– Reducing anxiety
– Calming parasympathetic nervous system(fight/flight mode)
– Reducing anger, tension and stress
– Improving sleep and reducing fatigue

What is Reiki healing?
Reiki is a Japanese form of alternative healing where gentle hand placements are used to help clear the energetic field of the body (also known as Chi/Qi/Prana) and works on effectively treating physical ailments and mental blockages. Most people notice considerable positive difference in their mood and/or reduced body pain after 1-3 sessions.


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Developed by Suraj Nath



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Book a 1:1 or Group Yoga, Sound healing or Reiki session!
Next ceremonies, Retreats and Trainings: 
June 28 - July 1st: Yoga retreat in Salt Spring Island, Vancouver Island